Terms of service.

This Terms & Conditions apply to all of the products, services and websites offered by vOffice.

If you have any questions about this Terms & Conditions, please feel free to contact us at hi@voffice.co.th

1.1 This Service Agreement Validity

This Service Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”) between vOffice TH (vOffice) and Client is valid until 5 PM of the indicated contract end date.

1.2 Service Continuation, Suspension or Termination

This Agreement shall automatically renew at the original price, plan and billing cycle at the end of each billing cycle unless vOffice is notified by the Client of any changes.

vOffice's billing system will automatically generate a new invoice at the end of the Client's billing cycle for the renewal of the same plan. The invoice shall be considered delivered and accepted by the Client once sent to the Client’s email address as provided to vOffice unless vOffice is otherwise informed within 72 hours after the invoice is sent.

vOffice may transfer obligation to the client to another location if necessary, provided that vOffice provides a 30-day written advance notice.

It is understood that vOffice is only offering a service to the client and is not affiliated nor related to the client. vOffice will not be the client’s guarantor nor is vOffice responsible for any loan, credits or borrowing of money. Should vOffice receive any threat from any party that affects vOffice employees (emotionally or physically) premises or business operation, vOffice reserves the right to terminate the service immediately without any compensation.

1.3 Termination & Effect

Client cancellation of the service and obligation to vOffice shall be made exclusively by completing the vOffice Service Cancellation Form which may be obtained by contacting vOffice at +662 036 0666 or hi@voffice.co.th. An acknowledgement will be sent to the Client once vOffice has verified and processed the cancellation.

Either party may terminate the Agreement by giving notice in writing to the other at least 15 days prior to the proposed termination.

In the event of a pre-termination of this Agreement by the Client, all deposits and advances already made shall automatically be forfeited by way of liquidated damages. Should vOffice exercise its right to pre-terminate this Agreement without the fault or gross negligence of the Client, it shall refund to Client deposits and advances made. vOffice shall incur no other cost or expense should it exercise its right to pre-terminate.

Virtual Office plans availed outside the regular rate shall only be entitled to 50% refund of the remaining months left in their plan.

1.4 Service

vOffice will provide services during business hours from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday and vOffice will adhere to any public holidays in accordance with Thai law. vOffice may also declare certain business days as off days(s) subject to vOffice giving at least 5 working days prior notice.

1.5 Payment

Payment for services must be settled ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE OF INVOICE. The Client shall notify vOffice in formal writing of any dispute and its reasons within 7 days from notification of invoice. If both parties agree that there is a disputed amount, the Client shall pay the undisputed portion of the invoice/s on or before the due date.

Any invoice issued by vOffice to the Client shall constitute a formal demand for payment. Any money owing to vOffice for more than 14 days shall bear a late payment administrative fee at the rate of 2% of the total amount per month until payment.

If a check is returned by the Client's financial institution for any reason, a THB 1,000 returned check charge will be assessed and the Client shall settle all amounts due within 48 hours from the date of vOffice notification. vOffice may use all available legal channels including the right to file estafa case against the Client to recover any losses vOffice may incur.

1.6 Use & Care

a) Center and the Office/s (Client shall:)

  • Take reasonable care of any goods, facilities, equipment or space provided to them pursuant to this Agreement and keep them in a clean and good working condition.
  • Not display anything on the windows or at the doorways, make alterations and/or additions, or install heavy equipment in the center or the office(s) without the written consent of vOffice.
  • Not damage or mistreat any equipment provided by vOffice as part of the services.
  • Not sleep or permit anyone to sleep in the center or office/s.
  • Not hold or give permission to hold any retail sales by auction in the center or office/s.
  • Not smoke or give permission to smoke in the center or office/s or on the floor of the center in which the office/s are located.
  • Not use the center or office/s for any immoral or illegal purposes.
  • Not obstruct other client's use of vOffice services or cause any nuisance, annoyance or interference to any person in the center.
  • Not permit or keep in center or office/s any substance of dangerous, corrosive, combustible, explosive, radioactive, or offensive nature, or that which might damage any premises, buildings, or conducting media.
  • Ensure that its employees, agents, contractors, clients and other persons who attend the center wear business attire at all times.
  • Abide by the other House Rules of vOffice.

b) Telephone Numbers (Client shall:)

  • Acknowledge that vOffice owns all telephone numbers and IP. addresses allocated to the Client, and agree that they are only available to the Client during the effectiveness of this Agreement.
  • Not divert or transfer any communication in any form to any PABX telephone system or electronic receiving device owned by vOffice or its agents, without written consent of vOffice.
  • Pay during the term of this Agreement all charges for services rendered by vOffice at the rates stipulated by vOffice. vOffice reserves the right to change, review, or vary the service charges.
  • Not, at any time, directly or indirectly, whether through another business or affiliate or in any other manner, provide to any other vOffice client any of the services provided by vOffice or its affiliates.
1.7 Communications

vOffice's primary communication channel shall be via email. Emails sent through the vOffice Corporate Email Server to the email address provided by the Client on the registration form shall be deemed delivered, accepted and understood from the time it is sent. It is the Client's responsibility to update vOffice of any changes differing from that stipulated in the registration form.

1.8 vOffice Staffs

If the Client, or any person or entity in which the ownership or control is directly or indirectly associated with the Client, shall at any time during the term of the Agreement, or within 12 months after the termination of the Agreement, employ or contract any of the staff employed by vOffice or vOffice affiliates, the Client shall pay vOffice by way of liquidated damages an amount equal to 50% of the new annual cash package of the new employee hired by the Client. This provision shall apply to all staff, whether permanent, part-time, or otherwise.

Client acknowledges that vOffice services and staff will be shared with other vOffice clients and shall not abuse or mistreat any person employed by vOffice.

1.9 Costs

Should the Client make payment for services and/or charges be made by any payment method other than direct debit, vOffice reserves the right to charge a payment administration fee per payment. Should payment for services and/or charges be made by credit card, wherever applicable, an administration fee of 5% of the amount paid will apply.

Client shall pay all reasonable costs relating to this Agreement, including any legal costs whatsoever, stamp duties, and any bank charges payable by vOffice in respect of services and other amounts received by vOffice from the Client pursuant to this Agreement.

1.10 Liability

vOffice has the necessary facilities, premises and qualified personnel to comply with its obligations and undertakings in this Agreement and vOffice shall use all reasonable efforts to provide the agreed services and facilities. However, this shall not be construed as a guarantee and in no event shall vOffice be liable to Client or any third party for any claims for loss or damage as a result of any action or inaction not attributable to the fault or negligence of vOffice.

1.11 Fraudulent Use of Services

The Client agrees that he/she will not use the vOffice name, services, and premises for any illegal, fraudulent, illicit, unfit, or unethical purpose. vOffice shall use Thai Laws, Rules and Regulations to decide on the validity of the Client's purpose of using its services. It is agreed that vOffice shall not be held responsible for any civil and criminal law violations on Client’s part and the Client shall indemnify vOffice against all costs incurred in case of any action, suit or proceeding where vOffice is made a party by reason of its services to the Client.

vOffice accepts no legal responsibility or liability for the handling of calls on the Client’s behalf (whether unregistered, registered, certified or insured), or for any action, event or expenses associated with or arising from the handling of calls, beyond those charges and expenses agreed upon.

1.12 Modification of Discontinuance of Services

vOffice may modify this Terms of Use of Agreement at its sole discretion and will be considered as accepted by the Client provided vOffice has given notice of the changes through vOffice’s primary communication channel and did not receive any objection within 72 hours of notification.

vOffice may at any time modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently (or any part of them) with or without notice and liability to anyone. Should price increase become necessary, vOffice will give the Client 21 days notice through vOffice’s primary communication channel.

vOffice reserves the right to re-assign any services offered to the Client to another vOffice business center or facility, or to any other third-party provider. Any and all costs that will be incurred in relation to the reassignment of services shall be for the Client’s account. vOffice will notify Client of mails, parcels, or items belonging to the latter within its possession and will discard mails, parcels items not collected within 15 days of notification. vOffice will not be liable for any losses of claims that may arise due to the Client’s failure to timely collection of said belongings.

1.13 Matters Beyond Our Contract

vOffice shall not be held liable for any breach of these Terms of Conditions caused by circumstances out of our control, including acts of God, fire, lightning, flood, or extremely severe weather, explosion, war, disorder, industrial disputes (whether or not involving vOffice employees) network, equipment failures, power failures, acts of local or central Government or other competent authorities.

1.14 Free & Harmless

The Client agrees to hold vOffice harmless from and against any claims by the Client, and/or any of its employee, agent or invitee for any loss, damage, expense or claim, loss of information, damage or any errors whether or not caused by any act of omission of vOffice.

The Client shall indemnify vOffice and/or its owners, directors, officers, employees, representatives or agents against all costs incurred in connection with any civil, criminal, administrative or investigation action, suit or proceeding to which the vOffice and/or said representatives may be, or is made a party by reason of its services to the Client.

The client is responsible for submitting to vOffice certain documents that are related to tax mapping procedures upon request. Failure to submit the specified requests of vOffice leaves vOffice free from client’s claims.

1.15 Client's Privacy

vOffice guarantees that all customer information will be kept with strict confidentiality and will not be sold or released to any third party. However, vOffice reserves the right to release Client information to a third party at its sole discretion if vOffice suspects that the Client is in breach of this Agreement or is in violation of the law.

1.16 Miscellaneous

By proceeding with facility reservation, Client agrees and acknowledges that if the reservation is accepted by vOffice, the lease of facilities shall subsequently be subject to vOffice's standard terms and conditions of facility usage.

vOffice may, at its absolute discretion, cancel the reservation if vOffice is of the opinion that the reservation information provided is falsified or incomplete.

vOffice shall be entitled to vary, amend and/or otherwise change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

The Client and its guests shall use the premises in a considerate manner at all times. Conduct deemed disorderly at the sole discretion of vOffice staff shall be grounds for immediate expulsion from the premises and conclusion of the booking period. In such cases, NO REFUND of the event costs shall be made.

vOffice reserves the right to refuse acceptance of excessively large, unreasonable, or unlawful packages.

vOffice will only provide storage of Client mails, parcels or items for the time frame stipulated on the package/plan signed up for and vOffice has the right to discard any items not collected after that period of time plus 14 days grace period. vOffice will not be liable for any losses or claims that may arise due to the Client's failure to timely collect said belongings.

Any items delivered to the vOffice office via normal post, hand or courier, which is not addressed clearly to the recipient or if the address differs from what vOffice has on its records will be discarded. vOffice shall use best efforts to identify the rightful owner but if vOffice fails to identify the recipient, vOffice will discard the item 14 days from date of receipt.